

IT Strategy

Enterprise Architecture Modeling

Optimizing IT Operational Processes

Technological Development

Enterprise Architecture Modeling

IT Managers are required to coordinate numerous resources (human, financial, technological, process, information) while they are also required to constantly adapt IT services produced from the cooperation of the above to changing business demands. As long as the model of this complex system is transparent, and the manager can keep it all in mind, successful coordination may be achieved by the manager himself. When the organization exceeds a certain size (which may be different depending on the skills and capabilities of the particular executive) the model must be recorded and made available to other staff members. This is the concept facilitated by the Enterprise Architecture.

The proposed view of enterprise architecture contains four points-of-view, called the business perspective, the application perspective, the information perspective, and the technology perspective.

  • The business perspective defines the processes and standards by which the business operates on a day-to-day basis.
  • The application perspective defines the interactions among the processes and standards used by the organization.
  • The information perspective defines and classifies the raw data (such as document files, databases, images, presentations, and spreadsheets) that the organization requires in order to efficiently operate.
  • The technology perspective defines the hardware, operating systems, programming, and networking solutions used by the organization.


G-DAS Professionals help you with designing the Enterprise Architecture model for your company. Fundamentally, the model is an itinerary composed of three key components, the first of which gives a clear vision of the current configuration of their organization. In the next phase, the goals and objectives are mapped out, and the required future operational structure of the company is defined in all perspectives of the Enterprise Architecture. The third component describes all the steps, actions and measures which need to be taken in order for the company to progress from the initial configuration to transformed configuration.


While such a complex, strategic approach is rarely demanded, even the accomplishment of phase one, i.e. the assessment and modeling of the current configuration may unlock great values for a company. With such information less time is required for making solid decisions, and it can also substantially mitigate the risks inherent in the change management process.


G-DAS uses and recommends its customers to use the MEGA Architect Software and the FNT Command Software for designing Enterprise Architecture models.