What is IT-coaching?
In our understanding of the term, IT-coaching is a tailored service with the primary goal of improving IT performance in order to increase the productivity of the company (organization) and, in turn, the personal success of the executive. Thus, IT-coaching is a merger of two expert areas: IT consultancy and coaching.d
Server Virtualization
Server Virtualization essentially means that the operating system is separated from the server hardware; several virtual machines can be created on the same server, which can only use a pre-defined quantity of hardware resources and different independent operating systems may run on them.
Downsizing is the procedure when an application is migrated to a smaller environment, that is from a mainframe platform to a midrange, or from a midrange to an X64 platform. In such a case both the operating system used to run the application and the server hardware need to be changed. As a result, the operation of the application may be cheaper.
System Management
At most companies, IT managers do not focus on controlling and managing info-communication systems, if there is one, at all. However, changes in the economic environment made the maximum utilization of resources all the more important and the issue inevitable. Most companies would find difficulty answering even the simplest questions about the capacity and utilization of their IT infrastructure, and even if they could give the answers, they would be based on memories and not on measurements or facts.
Within the framework of our Rent-a-CIO service – as the term suggests – our professionals with actual IT management experience may be hired to carry out some IT management duties required by our custome
Organization Development
The performance of the organization as well as of individual staff members is key to the successful implementation of the strategy and to the realization of targets. Nevertheless, organizational performance may not necessarily and exclusively depend on the qualification and motivation of employees; there are other factors, such as corporate culture, corporate values, organizational structure and leadership style, which may have important impact, as well.
IT Controlling
One of the greatest challenges that IT functions face these day is how they can demonstrate to the business organization the value that IT performance adds to the overall success of the corporation and how they can refute the notion that IT is no more than the largest cost driving function within the company.
Scorecard System
Management is impossible without knowing the facts. Facts may be identified and quantified through measurements.
IT Strategy
In order to facilitate that IT performance could actually enhance the realization of actual business goals, it is recommended to prepare a formalized IT strategy which sets forth the relation between IT goals and business goals. IT Strategy is a document targeted at company executives, functions and employees alike, describing IT objectives and goals as well as the actions required to be carried out to achieve such goals.
Service Level Management
Service level management is a key activity during the cooperation of the IT service provider and the customer. In the recent period, there has emerged a trend that companies conclude formal service level agreements not only with their third party IT service providers but also with the corporate IT function. All this is even more intriguing when a parent company’s centralized IT function executes service level agreements with the company’s subsidiaries (as customers).
IT Continuity
The objective of an IT Continuity Plan (not to be confused with a Business Continuity Plan – BCP) is to define and record measures which are required for ensuring the accessibility and availability of IT services defined and specified in the SLA (if there is one).
Software Asset Management
Software Asset Management is a business practice that involves managing a company’s software assets throughout all stages of their life-cycle in order to allow for their lawful use, as well as clear and economic operations.
Enterprise Architecture Modeling
IT Managers are required to coordinate numerous resources (human, financial, technological, process, information) while they are also required to constantly adapt IT services produced from the cooperation of the above to changing business demands. As long as the model of this complex system is transparent, and the manager can keep it all in mind, successful coordination may be achieved by the manager himself. When the organization exceeds a certain size (which may be different depending on the skills and capabilities of the particular executive) the model must be recorded and made available to other staff members. This is the concept facilitated by the Enterprise Architecture.
Optimizing IT Operational Processes
An important component of IT Strategy is the definition and optimization of IT operational processes and the related roles and responsibilities. In our activities we rely on the recommendations of ITIL v3.
Technological Development
Our company is specialized in designing IT solutions which rely on the latest technologies to allow our customers to use their capacities, resources with the highest efficiency.
Qualysoft Information Technology plc.
Qualysoft Information Technology Plc. is a member of the Qualysoft Group. The Qualysoft Group is a dynamically growing service provider in the international IT services market with outstanding references. Since its establishment in 1999, the Company has been successfully providing support to its customers with the aim of boosting their competitiveness and economic efficiency.
Etalon Information Technology Ltd.
Etalon Information Technology Ltd is a Hungarian owned company established in 1998. Since its foundation, the Company has been permanently growing which is well reflected in the increase of its product and service portfolio, its growing customer base as well as its improving business results.