BPMS ltd.

Qualysoft Information Technology plc.

Provice ltd.

Etalon Information Technology Ltd.

Provice ltd.

The company’s name PROVICE is a playful combination of two words: PROfessional SerVICEs.

The Hungarian partner of the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative (or today known as Palladium), established by the creators of the BSC methodology (Kaplan-Norton), Provice Ltd has become one of the key players of the Hungarian executive consultancy market. Its network of professionals and business partners has allowed for the development of international benchmarks where the best international and Hungarian practices are applied as a kind of technological transfer. Provice Ltd is also the Hungarian distributor of the software products QPR ScoreCard and ProcessGuide.


When offering IT-coaching services, G-DAS works in cooperation with the consultants of Provice as necessary, and recommends the use of QPR ScoreCard, the software distributed by Provice, for the development of scorecard systems.